selected works
              Laying Flowers
              French Exit
              Freezer Burn
              Leads Back
              Pack of Dogs
              March 2020
              Article 10
              Terms & Conditions


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The National Indian Residential School Crisis line provides 24/7 support to residential school survivors 1-866-925-4419

‘Laying flowers’ is in honour of each child found at residential crime scenes and those who’ve yet to be found.

After being asked by someone close to me if I could lay flowers on the grave of an Indian agent buried here in so-called Victoria. The request came as a shock and was  rejected. It wasn't soon after that the graves of 215 children were uncovered at the Kamloops Indian Residential School. Instead of laying flowers on an Indian agent's grave, I will bead one daisy in honour of each child found at residential schools.

139 residential “schools”

215 Tk’emlups, BC

104 Brandon, MB

38 Regina, SK

35 LeStock, SK

751 Cowessses, SK

182 Cranbrook, BC

160 Penelakut Island, BC

161 Fort Providence, N.W.T.

169 Kapawe’no, AB and counting.

Do not be shocked at these findings. Indigenous peoples have known about missing children since the beginning of residential “schools”, but truth has been ignored by this country despite its ‘commitment’ to the TRC commission. Canada and the churches involved must be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

The National Indian Residential School Crisis line provides 24/7 support to residential school survivors 1-866-925-4419
If you’re wondering what you can do; donate to initiatives, listen to survivors and communities, educate yourself, start conversations within your social circles, challenge and hold governments accountable.

This project is an ongoing commitment that is close to my heart. 

2021-2024. Laying Flowers. Vintage beads, fishing line, deer hide tanned by hunter Garry Blake & on loan from Mel Granley. 


                          image credit: photo by Kyra Kordoski, courtesy of Open Space Arts Society